Treatment of sinusitis, runny nose and stuffy nose in Incheon

Treatment of sinusitis, runny nose and stuffy nose in Incheon

#Incheon empyema #Symptoms of Incheon empyema #Treatment of Incheon empyema #Incheon sinusitis #Bupyung sinusitis #Bupyung sinusitis

Hello, this is Wonder ENT.Today, I’m going to introduce sinusitis, which is almost called empyema.The paranasal sinus is an empty space in the facial bones around the nose.When breathing through an empty space, it controls the temperature and humidity of the air and protects the brain from external shocks.Then, it connects to the nose through a small hole and ventilates the inside of the nose, discharging secretions from the sinuses out of the body.Incheon empyema is an inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection in the sinus.Due to inflammation, suppurative runny nose accumulates in the sinuses, and nasal circulation and ventilation are not good, so you may feel suffocated.The symptoms are similar to colds, but if your runny nose continues for more than a week and your nose is yellow, you should visit the otolaryngology department for treatment.

Incheon empyema can be divided into acute and chronic.Acute sinusitis is often issued by a cold.Usually, it recovers within four weeks.Or it can be caused by allergic rhinitis, and most of them are treated naturally or receive help from medication. If Incheon empyema continues for more than 3 months, it is chronic sinusitis.If there is a structural abnormality in the nose, it may be accompanied by a bump of wild vegetables.If the symptoms of empyema continue to progress, you may not be able to smell well, resulting in decreased concentration and headaches.If the symptoms get worse, it can affect the ears and throat, which can cause various complications.

Incheon sinusitis, which usually starts acutely with a cold or allergic rhinitis, can easily recur and become chronic, so it is recommended to receive accurate tests and treatment in the early stages.Symptoms of empyema include nasal congestion and yellow runny nose.Nose symptoms, facial pain, headache, fatigue, etc. may occur after the runny nose moves behind the nose.It is difficult to smell due to decreased sense of smell.Not only the smell but also the taste of food becomes difficult to feel, and concentration may decrease.In rare cases, fever may also occur.If you have symptoms of empyema like this, it is better to receive early treatment as the quality of life decreases significantly.

The treatment method for Incheon empyema can be medication and surgical treatment.Acute sinusitis can be completely cured by medication.We usually give medication for about two weeks using antibiotics that can relieve inflammation.Even if the symptoms are relieved in the middle, it is recommended not to stop taking antibiotics and take them until the end.Drinking water frequently to prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out and paying attention to humidification will help treat empyema. Chronic sinusitis can also be treated with medication.If you take antibiotics, you will be administered for a longer period than in acute cases.However, surgical treatment may be considered if the inflammation is severe or if medication does not work.In the case of chronic Incheon sinusitis, surgical treatment is often needed rather than medication if there are complications such as structural abnormalities or blisters.Surgery is usually performed through an endoscope to remove pus accumulated in the sinus and widen the natural hole.In addition, correction of structural abnormalities can reduce the incidence of empyema thereafter.

Incheon empyema is a disease that can be cured by medication or surgical treatment. Above all, prevention is the best, and it is recommended to drink water well to maintain indoor humidity and clean your nose with nasal irrigation. Thank you:) 032.330.2275

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Wonder Otorhinolaryngology Clinic Wonder ENT Clinic, 19th-12th Floor, Bupyeong-gu, IncheonWonder Otorhinolaryngology Clinic Wonder ENT Clinic, 19th-12th Floor, Bupyeong-gu, IncheonWonder Otorhinolaryngology Clinic Wonder ENT Clinic, 19th-12th Floor, Bupyeong-gu, IncheonPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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